Diablo 3 season 15 best wizard build
Diablo 3 season 15 best wizard build

diablo 3 season 15 best wizard build

While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, the damage of your Arcane Power Spenders is increased by 125 - 150% and you also cast one of your other damaging Arcane Power Spenders every second. Builds Wizard Disintegrate build +1 Disintegrate build by xRocketx last updated ( Patch 2.6. 1) Magic Missile - Seeker (better for shooting stuff offscreen, while youre frantically running away, and around corners) 2) Blizzard - Stark Winter (bigger. Here I focus on providing entertainment, highlights, edited clips from my streams, game and build guides for all classesSet Items (Diablo II) From Diablo.

Diablo 3 season 15 best wizard build