Install python 3.5 ubuntu 16.04
Install python 3.5 ubuntu 16.04

install python 3.5 ubuntu 16.04 install python 3.5 ubuntu 16.04

Now build the squid dependencies: apt-get build-dep squidĪt the time of this writing the latest stable version is 3.5.24 so download it: wget Next I would normally install the Hyper-V tools because my SQUID is going to be on a Hyper-V VM, but if you’re not using Hyper-V you can skip this: apt-get -y install -install-recommends linux-virtual-lts-xenial linux-tools-virtual-lts-xenial linux-cloud-tools-virtual-lts-xenial Now I’m going to fully update the OS: apt-get update sed -i 's/# deb-src/deb-src/g' /etc/apt/sources.list The following assumes a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.01 LTS.įirst I’m going to modify the sources.list file of apt to allow downloading of sources in order to build dependencies for squid automatically.

Install python 3.5 ubuntu 16.04